- Dwarf cherry tree, ideal for small spaces
- Heavy crops of dark red cherries in summer
- Delicious sweet/tart flavour
- Self-fertile variety
Grow your own cherry tree even in the smallest garden! Grown on its own rootstock, naturally dwarf Cherry ‘Athos’ is compact enough to grow in a large container, producing heavy crops of dark red cherries with a mouth-watering sweet, tart flavour. It’s self-fertile, so you don’t need another cherry tree nearby to give you a great crop. Cherry ‘Athos’ will fruit within 2 years of planting, and reaches its best yields after 4 years.
How you will receive your plants:
Selected by our team of experts and sent from our nursery, you will receive your plant in a pot, ready to plant out.
Can’t plant straight away?
Place the pot in a sheltered spot outdoors and water regularly to keep the soil moist.
Planting tips and hints:
Planting in the ground:
Dig a hole slightly wider than the rootball of the plant. Place the plant in the hole so that it sits at the same level in the ground as it did in the pot. When backfilling, mix in a such as well-rotted farmyard manure. Firm the soil around the plant and water well.
Planting in containers:
Choose a pot with good drainage holes. Place stones or crocks (bits of broken pottery) at the bottom of the pot to stop the drainage holes clogging up. Use a good quality loam-based compost like
Feeding and aftercare: Feed and water regularly, especially plants grown in containers. Prune in late summer to retain the plant’s shape and remove any damaged or diseased wood. Avoid pruning in winter, as this can leave the plants vulnerable to silver leaf disease.